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Office Organization

Land Use, Real Estate & Business Transactional Division

The Land Use Division performs work related to planning, zoning, habitat conservation, redevelopment, building and ordinance compliance. Principal clients served by this division include the Board of Supervisors, the Planning Commission, the Riverside County Habitat Conservation Agency, the Redevelopment Agency, the Planning Department, the Building and Safety Department and the Code Enforcement Department.

The Real Estate & Business Transactional Division performs work related to personal and professional service contracts, real property acquisitions, leases, public works, financing and refunding services and assessment districts. Principal clients served by this division include the County Executive Office, the Economic Development Agency, the Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the Waste Management District, the Regional Parks and Open Space District, the Transportation Department, the Fire Department and the Treasurer/Tax Collector.

Public Safety & Litigation Division

The Public Safety & Litigation Division performs work related to public health and safety, and a wide range of litigation against County departments. Principal clients served by this division include the Sheriff's Department, the Probation Department, the Human Resources Department, the Transportation Department, and the Registrar of Voters.

Child Welfare Division

The Child Welfare Division serves the Department of Public Social Services and handles cases involving allegations of child abuse and/or neglect. This division staffs three satellite offices located in Riverside, Murrieta and Indio.

Health & Adult Welfare Division

The Health & Adult Welfare Division serves the Riverside University Health System including the Public Health Department, the Behavioral Health Department including the Public Guardian’s Office.